Transformational coaching is about removing the barriers that are stopping you from living your fully expressed life.
- You’re a coach, healer, or service provider wanting to grow your business.
- You want to attract clients that align with your values and mission.
- You feel stuck on marketing, sales, or pricing and need a clear plan.
- You want to build a business that supports your freedom, creativity, and identity.
Business doesn’t have to be soul-sucking. You don’t have to sacrifice your identity, your creativity, or your values to make money. And you definitely don’t have to fit into some corporate, bro-marketing, hustle-culture box to build a thriving, sustainable business.
I know because I’ve done it myself.
I started my business with nothing but a deep desire to help people in ways that actually mattered—coaching polyamorous and queer folks through the complexities of love and relationships. I had no roadmap, no capital, and no idea what I was doing. But I figured it out. I tested, I failed, I pivoted, I invested in myself, and I kept going.
Now, I’ve built a six-figure coaching business, launched multiple group programs, created a certification for queer and polyamorous coaches, and helped thousands of people step into their power.
And here’s what I know for sure: You can do it too.
I work with coaches, healers, service providers, and creative entrepreneurs who are done trying to figure it out alone. You’re tired of feeling stuck, second-guessing yourself, and wondering if it’s even possible to build a business that actually supports your freedom, your queerness, and your purpose.
You want clarity. You want momentum. You want clients who actually pay you.
That’s what we do together.
Because I’ve been where you are. I know what it’s like to feel directionless, to hit walls, to question whether this is even the right path. I also know what it’s like to break through those walls, build something real, and make a living doing what I love—without burning out or selling out.
Here’s how I can help:
✨You need a clear offer that actually sells. We’ll refine your niche, pricing, and messaging so that your dream clients can find you and pay you.
✨ You need a marketing strategy that feels good. No gross sales tactics, no fake urgency—just authentic, aligned ways to connect with your audience and attract clients.
✨ You need systems that work for YOU. We’ll build simple, sustainable structures so you can make money without working 24/7.
✨ You need a mindset shift. You are worthy of making money doing what you love. You are capable of running a successful business. You are powerful enough to create the life you actually want.
If any of this resonates, let’s talk. You don’t have to build your business alone.
Ready to create a business that feels like home while making an impact?
I offer several different ways that we can work together!
One-Time Business Coaching Session
Perfect if you need clarity on your next steps, whether it’s pricing, messaging, or sales strategy. This 60-minute session gives you customized action steps to move forward.
60 minutes
Value: $250
One-Day Business Intensive (6 Hours)
We’ll deep-dive into your business strategy, ideal clients, pricing, and marketing plan. Walk away with a clear roadmap and confidence in your next steps.
Value: $1,000
(This can be split up into payments but must be paid off before the day of our session)
Please set up a free consult call to see if we're a good fit to work together.
3-Month Business Coaching Package
Weekly calls (12 total) to help you refine your offer, attract aligned clients, and set up sustainable business systems that actually work for you.
Value: $2,500 (Save $500) | Payment plans available
Please set up a free consult call to see if we're a good fit to work together.
Rusty Gabhardt
Gym Manager
Elizabeth is a phenomenal relationship coach. I have been in a polyamorous relationship for almost five years. About a year ago, I started dating another partner and the three of us have been living together in the same house for the last six months. The living situation has been good, but my first partner and I were growing apart. Our lives were moving in very different directions while my newer partner and I are very much on the same life path. This had created for me a lot of “managing” of the situation and was very exhausting. I was also very concerned about breaking her heart.
After a thirty minute [session] with Elizabeth, I knew exactly what I needed to do. Elizabeth asked questions to help me distinguish what I already knew needed to happen and I went home resolved to have the conversation. There is a new freedom within my relationship with my now former partner and my current partner. With Elizabeth’s coaching, I was able to deal powerfully with what was actually happening in the relationship and to handle it with grace and love.
Megan Taylor
Founder, Bold Babe Collective
The Love Empress!!! I wanted to meet with Elizabeth because I was seeking clarity on my dating journey - to figure out what I was looking for and next steps to call LOVE into my life. Elizabeth helped me realize through the course of our call that I actually am quite clear on what I am looking for, but that the biggest place I’ve been getting stuck is that I’ve been forcing myself to date at a pace that ...well...feels uphill and isn’t sexy. So she’s really helped guide me into accepting that where I am currently is the perfect place to call in my partner - and to do that from a place of spaciousness, peace and power. From here I’m feeling more expansive and trusting.
Elizabeth, during the first session that we had, you openly admitted that you had some experience working with individuals with autism and neurodiversity, but in practice you were limited. This put me at ease, mostly because you instantly understood what I needed most, and that was honesty. I had so little in the year up until that point in October, that when you gave me that less than one half ounce, I clung to it. You may have known and seen that, but most people would not have. You proved consistency after, which was vital. Even more than that, in the right moment you challenged not only present perspectives that I had but how those perspectives had been formed over time. Then I was instantly laid open. I had nothing else I could do but the work to repair, to see the pieces of myself and lodge them together in the best way that I could figure. So I did, and where am I now? I am open, settled, calm, peaceful, no less driven, so much more connected to my deepest sense of power. I will take your lessons to other lives.
I would say all of this because I know that in our lives we have the few opportunities to fall upon one or two individuals, perhaps even more, that alter the DNA of our lives. I live a life surrounded by these people, and Elizabeth is among the gifted. My life has been so difficult these last two years, in ways that I cannot begin to relay it here. I never really hashed the full extent of it out to Elizabeth, however I did face it, I did learn from it, and I am better for it, so much better for it. I am so thankful for my time and work with Elizabeth!”
- Anonymous
Tayler Kurtzman
Owner, Level Up Massage
When I first started coaching a lot of the goals I had were around learning to love myself, figuring out what I wanted in life and how to get there. My communication needed improvement, especially when I was talking to women I was interested in. I also wanted to figure out what I wanted in a relationship. Over the course of my time working with Elizabeth, we started to achieve this. We began with words of affirmation to myself. We deep-dived into my mental state, figuring out how I view myself and how I could boost myself up and be more proactive in my life and get things done. When it came to dating, I learned to be more vulnerable. I noticed this led to more productive dates and much more engaged and meaningful conversation with people. We talked a lot about what I want later on down the road and how I can achieve that. I was learning how my mental state affects not only me but how I view the world. Now that I have gone through the course, I'm much more confident. I have an easier time talking to people and communicating my feelings and intentions. I have been able to carry that into my own personal business, which is fantastic.
I'm so much happier. I want to be in a relationship down the road, I'm still searching. I've had better dates than I've had before and now I know my own self-worth. I will not settle for something just to fill a void because I'm so full as it is right now. So I highly recommend Elizabeth. She does a great job. If you're willing to challenge yourself and be vulnerable with yourself, it's well worth it. Give it a shot.
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