You're Invited!

Location: Online - Zoom

Date: September 14th, 2024

Time: 10:00-12:00pm PST

This Month's Topic: Dating In The Queer Space

Hey there, curious human!

Are you looking for a space to get your questions around queer and/or poly relationships answered? Look no further - that is exactly why we (E &Li) host these monthly Q&A calls!

These calls are your opportunity to ask two relationship coaches, with over two decades of experience between us, your burning questions on different topics that we see arise most frequently in the work that we have done (and continue to do) with our clients.

We know how hard it can be to ask questions around relationship challenges and curiosities, especially when it comes to relationships that live outside of the heteronormative and mononormative scripts that we are given growing up.

Each call gets set up at the start so that you feel safe to be vulnerable, receive guidance/feedback, and to just have you feel seen and heard. We love you and we want you to know that you have a space to come to to ask the questions that run through your mind, but often never get voiced.

Get guidance, tools, knowledge, and insights to apply to your real life that will make a difference in shifting how your relationships are going.

These calls are for people who want to build multiple, connected and loving relationships and have questions about how to do that in a way that honors everyone involved. Ask questions in a safe and non judgmental space, while also meeting other like-minded people and learning from their experiences, as well. 

Come and build some community at the same time as getting your questions answered!

This Month's Topic:

Dating In The Queer Space

No matter if this is your first time entering the queer dating scene or your first time in A WHILE or you have been dating in the queer space for quite some time and you are just not making the connections you want -this is the call for you! There are so many challenges that can arise in this experience because number one, we are not taught much about healthy dating and relationships, and number two, we are not taught anything when it comes to dating in the queer space.

Maybe you have just come out as queer or have opened up an existing hetero presenting partnership that you now want to date in a queer relationship. Maybe you have questions around different limiting beliefs that you are running up against - am I queer enough?, where do I even meet queer people?, are there any healthy options in the queer dating scene in this city left?, how do I start telling my family and friends about this?, does anyone even want to date someone who just came out or who has not been dating for a while?

SO MANY questions can be asked on this call and we want to hear them from you! Come and be in a safe space to talk out what you are dealing with, navigate challenges and learn from others in the process. We are here (and queer) for you. There is more than enough space for you and what you are going through.



Elizabeth is a really unique combination of caring, nurturing, and comfort with leadership, strength, and transparent honesty that is hard to find. I can't imagine any space that wouldn't be safe to work with Elizabeth to not only feel comfortable, but feel heard, treated with respect, and felt as a priority. Work with her in whatever she does you won't regret it!

- Dave Swillum Audio Engineer Portland, ME


Li has reminded me time and time again to give myself grace in my transition. Every time I think that it should be looking a specific way or that I should be feeling something else, they have been the light to bring me back to the reality that this is something really new and really hard at times. I don’t have to have it all figured out. Li has lifted such a huge weight off of me, thank you. I appreciate everything that you do, Li!

- K, she/her/they/them


Elizabeth is so personable. When you talk to her, it's like talking to a friend who has open ears, open arms and an open heart. She makes you feel like she's known you forever - seen. Elizabeth offers such a range of perspectives and she's always open to something new. Nothing is off limits to her which makes anything possible. Elizabeth is all about what's possible. Dream it; do it. She'll help you live the life of your dreams.

- Michelle H, she/her, Seattle, WA


Elizabeth has a special way of making you feel truly seen. She radiates positivity, and operates from a place of LOVE and radical acceptance. She is welcoming of all people and has a real gift for helping others find the things in life that will bring them joy. I have left every interaction with her feeling more energized and optimistic.

- Erin Allan, MA, RYT 500


Sessions with Li helped to solidify and concretely put together a means to living in my truth, which is something I wanted to practice. Bringing awareness to not just feeling my feelings, but also bringing awareness to my desires and observing if my actions and words are in alignment. When those are aligned, and if I choose to ground myself that all this is coming from a loving place, then I can feel confident about living in my truth. This will totally change my life.

- Fi, she/her, Central California

Meet your queer and poly coaches!

Hi! I'm Elizabeth or E. It has been my absolute pleasure to be helping people in their relationships since 2011. I received my degrees in Political Science and Gender & Sexuality in 2011. After graduating I helped create programs, trainings and lead talks at a local Domestic Violence Center for 3 years. I determined to switch my focus from helping people out of unhealthy relationships and teach them how to get into healthy ones and started on the path of transformational coaching in 2015. I started coaching people in polyamory in 2017. I received my coaching certification in the Erotic Blueprints and Accelerated Evolution Transformational Life Coaching. I primarily serve people who are polyamorous, non monogamous and/or people in the LGBTQIA communities. My mission is to help people be their authentic selves, create the relationships that truly work for them and their partner/s and to have a ton of fun doing it.

Hey! My name is Li and I am a National Board certified coach who has been studying and coaching in the world of relationships for over 9 years. My focus in coaching is centered around supporting queer folks release and heal codependent behaviors and patterns so that they can feel free in their self-expression within relationships. My goal with clients is to support them in feeling grounded in the fullest expression of themselves so that they can let go of old limiting beliefs and unhealthy thought and behavioral patterns that derail them from experiencing nourishing, unconditional love. My coaching approach is rooted in mindfulness, curiosity, compassion, and spirituality. I am also certified in sound healing so I intentionally weave in the principles and practices of sound baths to create a more holistic healing experience with all my clients.


Where is it?

This is a virtual event! Enjoy in the comfort of your own home or wherever you’d like to tune in from!

When is it?

September 14th, 10am-12pm PST

Your Title Here

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FAQ image

What does it cost?

It's free!

Do I have to participate?

No. You can come at your own discretion. However, we do recommend you come prepared to take notes and take everything in even if you don't share or ask questions!

Will it be available later?

Nope! This is a live event that is not recorded so be sure that you set aside the time on your calendar to come day of!

We can't wait to see you there!

One of the greatest gifts of being queer and polyamorous is the community.

We have met some of the most incredible people and life long friends.

The greatest part about events like these is the connection.

So the question is, are you ready to make the desired changes to your life and relationships?

Learn more about us, our work and our podcast

The Mission

The mission of this event is to provide access to education and resources. And to build connection and cohesiveness across the polyamorous community. 

We are on a global mission to expand the conversation of love on the planet, being courageous and having the freedom to fully express our love.

With love,

Elizabeth Cunningham

Love & Life Coach

CEO Speaking Love LLC


Li Griebsch

Queer Relationship Coach

Co-Coach at Love Deeper